Archiving Files

When you archive a file, it is moved to a separate storage area, but still displays in file lists along with other files. An archived file can be accessed and worked with in the same manner as any other file stored in Document. To determine if a file is an archived file, view the file's properties. To archive a file, do the following:

  1. ClosedLocate the file in Document Central.
    • Use the navigation panel to locate the file by entity. Locate and select the entity the file belongs to on the navigation panel. Then, select the File List tab on Document Central to view all files for the entity. You can filter or sort the grid on this tab as needed to find a specific file.
    • Search for the file. Document offers both a quick search and an advanced search. You can use filters and wildcard characters to help you limit your search to relevant results.
  2. Right-click the file to be archived and select Archive.
  3. Note: The items on the right-click menu vary depending on your permissions and security group assignments. Administrative users can change permissions and security group assignments in Administration Manager. See the Administration Manager Help and the topic Managing Access in CCH Axcess™ for more information.

ClosedHow do I remove a file from the archive?

  1. ClosedLocate the file in Document Central.
    • Use the navigation panel to locate the file by entity. Locate and select the entity the file belongs to on the navigation panel. Then, select the File List tab on Document Central to view all files for the entity. You can filter or sort the grid on this tab as needed to find a specific file.
    • Search for the file. Document offers both a quick search and an advanced search. You can use filters and wildcard characters to help you limit your search to relevant results.
  2. Right-click the file to be archived and select Unarchive.
  3. Note: The items on the right-click menu vary depending on your permissions and security group assignments. Administrative users can change permissions and security group assignments in Administration Manager. See the Administration Manager Help and the topic Managing Access in CCH Axcess™ for more information.